Pefki is 5.5k from Lindos and I hiked it twice. You can get the bus from Pefki to Lindos for 1.80 and it takes 10-15 mins. The beach was small and full of Brits (mainly Scots) and there were a few issues with my apartment (Toilet leaking, water shooting out of taps, problems with water temperature and the bathroom flooding from the shower usage). This was the most cost-effective stay I could find for 38 Euros per night + 10 Euros for air conditioning BELIEVE IT OR NOT. The location was good for getting to Lindos and the points of interest around. Do I think it was worth nearly 50 Euros a night and would I stay again, NO!


Ialysos is my favourite and has probably made me the happiest I have been in a while! Being surrounded by a beach and mountains it honestly makes it a joy to get out of bed at 4 am each weekday!!! You can seriously get off the grid there and fully immerse yourself in Greek culture. There are some of the best restaurants I have visited anywhere in Europe around where I am staying. I have not really noticed any other Brits and the beach is famous for windsurfing. If you like nature, outdoor sports or even helping the stray cats that the shelters don’t get out to, then this is your place. I could live there and I cannot say fairer than that.

If you book the ferry from Rhodes, the companies will not always send you your tickets via email and don’t be concerned if they don’t. Just arrive at the terminal slightly earlier with your confirmation number and they will give you them before you board (sometimes it costs 1 Euro). The Ferry from Crete to Rhodes is 14 hrs and it only costs 50 Euro’s (including a cabin). If you don’t have much luggage then you could consider flying – but I did and I think the ferries around the Islands are amazing value and a unique travel experience in Greece.

I stayed in both the Old Town and Ialyssos beach. I also visited Faliraki 3 times. I think the Old Town is the best place to stay in Rhodes – as you have EVERYTHING you need and even 2 beaches are within walking distance. The restaurants are all amazing in Rhodes and the nightlife was just picking up as well… ‘Fuego Nightclub Rhodes’ is a great night out in Greece!

You can also buy a ticket for 10 Euros and that gets you access to 4 places of interest in Rhodes over 3 days. The Medieval Castle in the Old Town was amazing and I could have spent hours more in there!!! The Old Town really reminded me of my hometown York with how it was set out and I really liked that. The port is within walking distance and you can take the ferry to Kos in only 2 hrs for 30 Euros.

(I’d recommend 10+ nights stay)